期待在中食展(SIAL CHINA)与您相遇

Coppola Foods公司会在中食展为您呈现我们的获奖产品-番茄沙司及创意新品-汤料、番茄酱及可即食的意大利烩饭。
如您计划于5月14日至16日期间参加上海的中食展,欢迎前往W4 E 093展位来参观了解我们的产品。
Download picture Coppola Pesto Genovese
Download picture Hillfield No Sugar Added Ketchup
Download picture Coppola Arrabiata No Sugar Added Tomato Sauce
For further information, images, or samples please contact
Federica Bolognese
email: info@coppolafoods.com
twitter: @coppolafoods
website: www.coppolafoods.com
About Coppola Foods
Coppola Foods is an innovative food company committed to making good food better.
Good being nutritious, sustainable and tasting good. Better by using simple, healthy, quality ingredients, and applying labelling which is distinctive, transparent and informative.
We offer a comprehensive range of authentic Italian food products, cornerstones of the Mediterranean diet including preserved tomatoes, legumes and vegetables, tomato sauces and pesto, oil, vinegar and condiments, rice, polenta and couscous which we sell to major retail, foodservice and manufacturing clients.