Den italienske produsenten Coppola, distribuert av Jensen&Co i Norge, lanserer to nye varianter av hermetiske tomater. Polpa grovhakkede tomater har ifølge distributøren vunnet flere smakstester etter at de ble lansert i Norge i 2015.
Coppola har lansert to nye varianter innen hermetiske tomater i serien Polpa+, nemlig Coppola Polpa + Urter og Coppola Polpa + Hvitløk. Produktene inneholder kun naturlige ingredienser og er uten kunstige tilsetningsstoffer.Produktene vil foreløpig være tilgjengelig i Obs og i utvalgte Mega-butikker.
For further information, images, or samples please contact
email: info@coppolafoods.com
twitter: @coppolafoods
website: www.coppolafoods.com
About Coppola Foods
Coppola Foods is an innovative food company committed to making good food better.
We offer a comprehensive range of premium quality, tasty, nutritious and sustainable food products together with an excellent level of service and attentive solutions to fulfil the needs of customers and markets.
Our range of authentic Italian food products are cornerstones of the Mediterranean diet. This includes tomatoes, legumes, vegetable products, sauces, condiments and grain products.
We are a fourth-generation family business with a long heritage in the production and marketing of food products, dating back to 1903 in Salerno, in Southern Italy.